Would you like to be involved in planning Hillcrest’s future?

Next month councilmembers Kevin Faulconer and Toni Atkins are hosting an open forum in Balboa Park to take input on the current Uptown Community Plan and accept ideas for the future of our neighborhoods. Approved by the City Council in 1988, the Uptown Plan has never been updated. The city workshop has been scheduled for Saturday, October 14th from 9am-noon in the Recital Hall (near the Auto museum). The Uptown Community Planning Area is bounded on the north by the steep hillsides of Mission Valley, on the east by Park Boulevard and Balboa Park, and on the west and south by Old San Diego and Interstate 5. The plan area has been divided into six sub-areas: Mission Hills, Middletown, Hillcrest, the Medical Complex, University Heights and Park West neighborhoods.

If you care about our community’s future, please be present and be a part of the dialogue with our councilmembers, city planners, mayor’s representative, community activists and others. Bring your thoughts to Balboa Park’s Recital Hall and share them! For more information contact Melissa Devine at mdevine@sandiego.gov or at (619) 235-5201.

Take Uptown Planners online survey (before Sept 30) re: An Interim Ordinance for Height Limits in Uptown. The group meets the first Tuesday of each month at the Joyce Beers Community Center.

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