Women’s Equality Parade & Ball Today

Judy Forman leading the Suffragette Parade through Balboa ParkMarch for history on Saturday afternoon with Judy the Beauty (right) leading the parade for equality!

The San Diego Women’s History Museum & Educational Center hosts the second annual Suffrage Parade & Ball at the Balboa Park Club in celebration of Women’s Equality Day. Put on your best Suffrage outfit (long white with purple and gold sash) and join us this Saturday afternoon for a march for equality.

Everyone is welcome. Meet on the west mesa of Balboa Park at 4pm near the Kate Sessions statue (on the west side of the Laurel Street Bridge). The parade will marchDancersto the Balboa Park Club for lemonade refreshments. Join as many women’s groups gather, speak and parade across the bridge into the heart of the park with banners, flags and placards. Help celebrate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote. Hopefully, one day women will have equality in America and globally.

After the parade the annual Suffrage Ball “Journey to the 30s” will held in the ballroom of the Balboa Park Club from 6-9pm featuring costumes, cars and a dinner dance with Sue Palmer’s Motel Swing Orchestra. Tickets are $30 or two for $50 and available by calling             (619) 233-7963       or by clicking here for more information.

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