Winding down 2011 with some SUPER senior events

HillQuest's Seniors in Motion

from Dolores St. Louis

Here we are again at the crossroads of an “old year” and a “new year”; so much, for which to be grateful, with Thanksgiving just around the corner, followed by the Christmas Holidays. This is our time to truly enjoy being with family.

In a short “side bar”, I would like share a little of my reasoning, at this moment in time, for being so grateful. I just returned from Puerto Vallarta, MX, on a short vacation. This is my fourth trip to this charming community, where I have walked most of the streets and have become familiar with its walk of life. The residents are friendly, and very willing to help those of us who speak little Spanish. I have witnessed new development, which is changing the face of this lovely place.

In comparison to San Diego: PV has lovely beaches on the Pacific Ocean, as we do (less hurricane season); it has a multitude of restaurants from street side eateries to fine dining, as we do (without so many street side); it has gambling casinos with all those hi-tech machines, as we do; it has dozens of shops (small independent to large hi-end), malls, grocery stores (small to supermarket status), as we do. To top it off, besides any other comparisons, it is hard to beat our beautiful year round weather, and we have Balboa Arts & Crafts Tent in Balboa Park, San DiegoPark……Grateful? “Si”.

Remember the Annual Craft Show this weekend — a wonderful two days at Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park (Patios A & B and room 101) Saturday & Sunday, November 19 & 20 from 10am–3:30pm. One of the year’s biggest events, the vendors’ arts & crafts work is truly great. Don’t miss it. You may find that perfect Christmas gift. This event is sponsored by Paradise Village and Canyon Villas side by side with Senior Citizen Services.

Join the fun at the Holiday Carnival and Craft Fair, Saturday, December 3 from 11am–2pm at the War Memorial Building in Kathy at the 2010 Holiday CarnivalBalboa Park. Free admission. This event is for the whole family with lots of food and game booths (small fee on some of the game booths and food tickets), and entertainment. There is something for everyone. Santa will be on hand for photos (very nominal fee for photos). It’s another chance to find that right gift for Christmas, from a variety of craft vendors. Last year, the event was a smash hit, sponsored by City Park & Recreation Department Therapeutic Recreation Services.

The Holiday Dance & Rumba Lessons promises to be a real treat with the well known Billy Harper Band rendering great tunes, Thursday, December 8 from noon–3:30pm in the Balboa Park Club. Just $3 at the door, includes refreshments, door prizes and dance lessons from 12-12:45pm. Russell Mapes teaches the lessons in his own smooth style. Along with Senior Citizen Services, the event is sponsored St. Paul’s Senior Homes & Services and the Patrician.

Now, gear up to audition for the Annual Talent Show in 2012. If interested, Talent Auditions are being held on Thursday, January 19 from 1-4pm in the War Memorial Building. This event is for Seniors 50 years and older. Talent categories are dance, vocal, instrumental, variety or group performance. Friends and family are welcome and encouraged to come to the auditions to cheer on the performing contestants. No charge. The motto is “the more, the merrier”. For info or to register call Senior Citizen Services at (619) 236-6905.

There are so many more on going activities, remember to pick up your copy of The Scroll at the Senior Citizen Services office, at one of the events you might attend; or, pull it up in the internet. It is full of great senior activities.

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