What is the future for light rail in Hillcrest?

April 8, 2008 Hillcrest Town Council meetingDozens attended last night’s Hillcrest Town Council meeting at the Joyce Beers Community Center. Three reps of SANDAG (SD Area of Governments) and MTS (Metropolitan Transit System) shared info re: the history of transportation thru Hillcrest and how MTS determines routing and fees. Dave Schumacher, SANDAG Planner, said the last community input was in 1995.

Litter Committee chair Tim Gahagan announced this Saturday’s community clean-up. Meet in front of the Egyptian (just south of University on Park Blvd) at 9am. Brooms, bags and gloves will be provided. A dumpster, provided by Councilmember Toni Atkins will be located across the street at Numbers beginning at 7am for neighbors to drop off large items. Leo Wilson reported that there are efforts to expand the over-sized vehicle ordinance to encompass the Uptown area. Juli Peters-Hyde introduced Marston Hills resident Ernie Villafranco who gave a report on zoo construction work that is creating a disturbance in the neighborhood. A motion was passed to bring the issue to the Uptown Planners and the Balboa Park Committee. All agreed that we are a voice, and that the concerns of our neighbors need to be addressed and supported by the council. The HTC meets every second Tuesday of each month.

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