What’s next for the Mills Act?

Over 200 historic preservationists packed into the City Council chambers this afternoon for the first of two Historic Resources Board workshops re: the Mayor’s proposal to limit tax incentives and increase fees on historic properties in San Diego.
Dozens wore red to protest cuts to the program.

The meeting was continued until May since over an hours of testimony was waiting to be heard when the meeting ended. Homeowners who were new to the process, had restored their houses or had homes in their families for generations spoke of the qualities that they wanted to preserve. Janet O’Dea shared concerns related to demolition policies, and Alana Coons said “preservation is the greenest thing we can do to preserve the environment.” Architect Homer Delawie, elderly and in a wheelchair, spoke in a soft voice reminding the board of his tenure on the HRB and added that he believed that homeowners who restore, maintain and research their houses deserve the benefits of the Mills Act. The City Council will vote on any changes before the end of the year.

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