Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Green is good. Kermit, Dipsey and Shrek would all agree. This Saturday lots ’o green will overflow Balboa Park and Park West/Bankers Hill for the 25th annual “Unity” St. Patrick’s Day parade. A
free festival will run from 10am-6pm ~ the parade will kick off at 11am. More than 150 floats are scheduled along with bands, clowns, equestrian and military units, dancers, marchers, politicans
and more Irish folks than you can shake a shillelagh at. (btw…watch out for that green beer!)

Tell us where in the neighborhood our favorite ogre is on this bus bench, and you’ll win two tickets to the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center and admission to an IMAX movie of your choice. First ten correct emails win a pair of tickets!! It’s no Stuart Finch, do you know the location of this stack of rocks?
Clue: it’s a half a mile (as the crow flies) from the Hillcrest sign.

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