Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Tacone the funny little wrapped sandwich shop near Subway (at Fourth and Unversity) has thrown in the towel.
They were open last week, but their sign has quickly been removed from the strip mall facade.

The show taping inside Whole Foods Market yesterday was Food 911.

Welcome to Uptown Dental Designs and doctors Alice Booth and Craig Schindler
who have purchased and remodeled new office suites on the northeast corner of Fourth and Pennsylvania.

Med Grill in the old Hookah Lounge has their signage up and looks to be opening their doors soon.
Just east on the same side of University Avenue is Margarita Marys (in the old Show Biz, Bee Jays,
Montana’s, Seven spot) which is destined to be Hillcrest’s newest hot spot for summer!

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