Watch Turko Files this Wednesday

Luke Terpstra, KUSI’s Michael Turko and Filbert Vigil standing in front of the 100 year old tree that they are trying to save at Richmond & PennsylvaniaA tree which has stood for over a hundred years at the corner of Richmond & Pennsylvania may be saved from the city’s ax. Hillcrest native Filbert Vigil who lives across the street spoke out for the neighborhood landmark and was able to make a difference (see HillQuest archives).

Filbert’s call to KUSI’s Michael Turko developed into a piece on Channel 9/51 which will be shown this Wednesday (10/27). Luke Terpstra (shown at left with Turko and Filbert) spoke on behalf of the community. Luke is on the executive board of the local residents’ group, the Hillcrest Town Council. An update will be given at the November 9th HTC meeting.

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