Want to help ban Proposition 8?

Tens of millions of dollars are being spent for and against Proposition 8, a statewide measure that will appear on the November 4th ballot. The proposition, regarding gay and lesbian marriage, has engendered much discussion, some of it fierce and emotional. There is still much you can do to help educate friends, family and neighbors as to why they should vote no on Proposition 8. Polls are close (or maybe we are losing), and help is needed.

The SD City Council may vote to oppose it. The San Diego Union-Tribune has told readers that this gay and lesbian marriage right should not be repealed. (Not bad for a “conservative” paper, huh?) The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego is urging you to check “no” on your ballot, but this same-sex marriage ban for California is attracting big money. The fight is close and every vote against this proposition is needed. Here are five things you can do to help.

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