Uptown Planners Meeting

The City’s Development Services announced tonight that the 1988 Uptown Community Plan has been fully-funded for an update.

Councilmembers Toni Atkins and Kevin Faulconer (who helped moved the effort forward) attended the Uptown Planners meeting at Joyce Beers Community Center. Several public workshops and opportunities will be held along the way for public input (it’s expected to be completed by mid-2010). City Planning Director Bill Anderson gave a PowerPoint presentation re: height limitations. The city is willing to support a version of the Interim Height Ordinance that would involve pushing any projects over 65 feet (or 50 feet depending on the area) into a descretionary review category requiring Process 4 or 5, and specific findings. This ordinance would “sunset” when the community plan is updated. It is a huge step forward, but to quote Mission Hills resident (and IHO promoter) Barry Hager, “the devil will be in the details.” Stay tuned…

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