Uptown Planners election next Tuesday, March 2

The local planning group will meet next Tuesday from 6-9pm in the Joyce Beers Community Center to elect three new board members. To vote an individual must (no exceptions) show identification proving they are a resident, property or business owner in the Uptown Planning Area; identification may be in the form of a driver’s license, utility bill, tax bill, business license or rent receipt – any document that Uptown Planners meeting, February 2, 2010, Joyce Beers Community Center, Hillcrest, San Diegohas the individual’s name and street address. The qualified candidates are: Kim Adler, Mission Hills; Gary Bonner, Bankers Hill/Park West; Neil Ferrier, University Heights; and Janet O’Dea, Mission Hills.

Also of interest to many Hillcrest residents (at approx. 7:10pm) will be the “Corwin Project” (3844 Albatross) This proposal will remove an existing residence to construct four multi-unit residential buildings on a 1.30 acre site at the northeast end of Albatross Street, between Robinson & University avenues and is partial located within Dove Canyon, an area designated as open space. An amendment would be required to the Uptown Community Plan to redesign this property from open space to a residential use.What do you think? At about 8:40pm the group will discuss what’s up with the City of San Diego re: a new Community Plan for our neighborhood. A group of community stakeholders should be meeting monthly. The city did not hold a meeting in December then cancelled the February gathering for these local volunteers. Unfortunately, the city-hired consultants do not attend these meetings which are packed with community concerns for our quality of life and infrastructure. As the process is currently set up, neighborhood input re: our next 20-30 years will be shared second-hand (via city employees) to those making plans for Hillcrest’s future. (Feel better? Me neither.)

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