Uptown Partnership gets 90 days to improve, or else

Uptown Partnership gets 90 days to improve, or else

Councilmember Todd Gloria trying to talk sense to the Uptown PartnershipThis morning the SD City Council removed the annual renewal of the Uptown Partnership contract from the consent agenda. During public testimony Uptown Partnership President Anne Rast cited efforts to outreach such as the creation of the Hillcrest Parking Committee (at the suggestion of the Hillcrest Business Association), an expanded board (at the direction of councilmembers Gloria and Faulconer) and their plans to continue improving. Uptown activist Leo Wilson spoke on behalf of the Bankers Hill/Park West Community Association against approving their contract saying that constituents have been raising concerns for years and “reform” needs to Leo Wilson, Bankers Hill/Park West activist speaking against the renewal of the Uptown Partnership contract renewalhappen now.

Councilmember Todd Gloria questioned city staffers about the Uptown Partnership troubled past and today’s latest bad news for the Partnership thatanother FPPC complaint was being filed over conflict of interest involving a Partnership board member. Councilmember DeMaio echoed that there needs to be changes at the Partnership “sooner rather than later.” Gloria acknowledged hearing the concerns of residents and business owners, but he continues to support the Uptown Partnership’s role in the community. Not approving their contract would mean closing their doors tomorrow. Gloria expressed that he doesn’t believe that would be the best outcome for the community, so he made a motion to approve the city’s other two annual contracts for Mid City and Downtown while keeping the Partnership on a “short leash” of 90 days to see if they can make the “dramatic changes” called for by Councilwoman Marti Emerald. The action unanimously passed with councilmembers Faulconer and Tony Young absent. “I’m pleased with the results and look forward to a reformed Uptown Partnership,” commented Wilson.

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