Uptown Partnership’s hosts workshop

February 21, 2009 Uptown Partnership Hillcrest parking workshopEveryone was invited, but too few people attended,  this morning’s public workshop from 10-11:30am in the auditorium of Florence Elementary School, 3914 First Ave
nue. Unfortunately it was scheduled at the same time as the district-wide forum about the city’s budget problems.

The Partnership workshop presented three ideas for confronting parking issues in Hillcrest: a parking lot validation program, a low-cost shuttle system and a universal valet system. Executive Director Carol Schultz (above) reviewed the results of a recent business survey on  three different tables, and the group was allowed to make suggestions. Goals for the workshop included….Identifying specific projects to relieve area problems; estimating project costs and funding sources; and implementing a service that facilitates parking by customers who patronize the central Hillcrest business area during peak hours of the day. One participant suggested outreaching through a survey for these customers’ opinions.

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