Uptown bikes lanes — good or bad?

Bankers Hill biker on Fourth Avenue south of Laurel in the newly painted city bike lanes.Okay…everyone probably thinks having bike lanes in a densely populated city are good…right? Bankers Hill just got its new painted lanes on Fourth and Fifth avenues south of Laurel to Elm street. Three lanes of vehicular traffic have been reduced to two (and each of those has been narrowed by about 18 inches).

Bikers will also have newly painted buffers on each side of the dedicated lane between the parked cars and moving traffic.

But do bikes need to use them? According to California bike laws, unless there is an obstruction in the bike lane…those on two wheels must ride in the marked bike lanes. Bicyclists can be cited for impeding traffic if they ride on the street instead of the designated bike lane.

Here is a news brief from the local community group.

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