Tune in to Fox 6…

Or the local NBC 7/39, ABC 10 or KUSI 9 for coverage of tonight’s Hillcrest Town Council meeting as Diana Bradrick, Chief Deputy Recorder/County Clerk explained the process of adding same-sex marriage licenses in SD County. So far 500 appointments have been made with 120 couples reserving a time on June 17th, the first day that gays & lesbians will be able to legally marry in California. The cost is $50. Only 30 appointment slots remain at the downtown office for June 17th. The Clerk’s office can also swear in a friend or relative to officiate the ceremony. Ms. Bradrick clarified that their office has a no-opt-out policy, meaning all personnel will process applications and perform ceremonies.

Neighbors introduced themselves and expressed what the HTC means to them and the direction they would like to see the organization take. Talk of a resurgence of the Crime Committee, better outreach to the community and working with our neighboring communities were mentioned. Community Service Officer David Surwillo reported that the SDPD is working with Universal Hillcrest to provide better loading zones at Cleveland & Vermont. Government representatives from Congresswoman Susan Davis, City Council District 3, State Assemblymember Lori Saldaña and the Mayor’s office gave brief reports. After HTC committee reports from Development and Litter, residents enjoyed an ice cream and cake social.

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