Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Letter to the Editor
from today’s Union-Tribune

Support and outrage at gay union ruling

I suppose I should ideologically be against gay unions since I am a conservative Republican. But I can’t understand how two gay men or lesbians who join in a union like marriage harms me, or anyone else for that matter. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, but I don’t see how it harms me if the law chooses to recognize same-sex unions.

Even if the couple wants to adopt a child, science says sexual orientation is determined by a person’s genes, so the child will not become homosexual because of the union of the parents. If the couple finds happiness with each other, isn’t that the most important thing?


over fish tacos (at lalo’s, of course) we ran across this little article at the left.

how the world turns! a mere twenty years ago this same publisher wouldn’t even print the word “gay,” and now we have “conservative republicans” from lakeside coming out of the closet in our support.

thank you, sam

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