Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Hillcrest residents meeting, January 9, 2006








Hillcrest residents showed up in force Tuesday night to begin forming a voice for the village.

steering committee for this new residents’ groupwill meet next Tuesday, January 16 at 6:30pm. Call 260-1929 with suggestions for the group’s intitial goals and the location of the meeting. The next monthly meeting will again take place at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown District on Tuesday, Feb 13 at 6:30.

The evening continued with the neighborhood watch meeting. Representatives from the SDPD, the City Attorney’s office and District 3 Councilmember Toni Atkins’ office led discussions on homelessness, transients and crime issues in the area. The police suggested calling the non-emergency number 231-2000 (over and over if necessary) to report problems. Deputy City Attorney Paige Hazard advised property owners to get a letter of authorization that will allow police access to enforce laws. District 3 representative Jeffery Tom explained that approximately 20,000 homeless people live in the county with 12,000 in and out of programs and another 1,400 chronically homeless. How many live in Hillcrest? TheRegional Task Force on Homeless is seeking volunteers to assist in a count at 5am on Wednesday, January 31st. Call (858) 636-4159 if you would like to participate.

There is power in having an organized residents’ group. Thanks to everyone for attending. Please invite your neighbors to next month’s meeting and watch us grow!

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