Todd Gloria to speak at The Center this morning

SD’s budget deficit: What does $200M mean & how can we fix it?

City Councilmember Todd GloriaCity Councilman Todd Gloria is seeking public input to prioritize services for the City of San Diego’s tight budget situation. You have an early opportunity to weigh in with your service priorities and budget ideas at a public forum scheduled for today from 7:30- 9amat the LGBT Community Center, 3909 Centre Street (just north of University Avenue).

The $10 breakfast event (you may attend without eating) will also feature his presentation of easy-to-understand information about the City’s budget. “San Diegans are going to feel the impact of the budget challenges, and I want to help educate them about our current situation and start getting their input,” said Councilman Gloria. “A mix of efficiencies, cuts and revenues will be necessary to address our long-term issues. Now is the time to construct comprehensive remedies.” Attendees will be asked to rank top City service priorities for funding, offer perspective on potential service reductions and weigh in on the topic of additional revenues.

Two weeks ago, the City’s Five Year Financial Outlook projected at $179 million deficit for the next fiscal year. Other officials have suggested shortfalls closer to $200 million. The City Council Budget & Finance Committee will also hold public budget forums in the coming weeks.

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