Todd Gloria featured at April 8 Town Council meeting

A special meeting is being planned for Tuesday, April 9 for the Hillcrest Town Council from 6:30-8pm at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown District.

Following public announcements and comments from government and hospital representatives, the Hillcrest History Guild (HHG) will present the owner’s plans for 801 University (formerly the House of Heirlooms) which will demolish the outbuilding on the east of the property, but honor the historicity of the original structure. The owner Todd Gloria hopes to put a restaurant downstairs with apartments upstairs. The HHG will also show a rendering for the new Walgreen’s building under construction at 301 University.

Organizers of Politifest will discuss plans for this year’s September event.

At 7pm City Council President Todd Gloria will address the group, followed by plenty of time for questions and answers. Invite your neighbors!

The Hillcrest Clean Team will give a report on grafitti removal in the area of Essex and Robinson from Park to First. They are working with the Hillcrest Business Association to clean grafitti along University Avenue. The Development Committee has noted that Uptown Planners will be looking for input from Hillcrest residents on the Community Plan Update at their April 2 meeting. Also of note, the Uptown Planners have a vacancy on their board and the HTC Steering Committee unanimously approved recommending that the Planners appoint Roy Dahl since Hillcrest is currently underrepresented.

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