Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hillcrest residents are forming a voice for the village. A steering committee will meet this Tuesday, January 16th at 6:30pm. What should we be called? Send us your suggestion. One idea is the “Hillcrest Town Council.” There’spower in having an organized residents’ group, and the village is in desperate need of a voice. Please invite your neighbors to next month’s meeting at Joyce Beers Community Center (6:30 Tuesday, February 13th)…watch us grow!
Joyce Beers
Hillcrest resident Joyce Beers (1929-1989) was a community-minded activist instrumental in the development of the Hillcrest business district — the first association of its kind in San Diego. Joyce served on the SD Transit Board for 16 years, was co-founder of the Uptown Community Planning Committee, ran for city council in 1979 and was the first Executive Director of the Hillcrest Association. Joyce was also instrumental in founding the first homeless shelter for women and children at the YMCA. Hillcrest’s community meeting center in the Uptown District is rightfully named in her honor.

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