Thursday, February 12, 2004

Lots ’o stuff is happening on University Avenue, here’s a little 411 from the Hillcrest mole: 1421 (aka) Seven, formerly known as Montana’s [and decades earlier Clint Johnson’s Show Biz and Bee Jay’s] will be changing the signage again soon. But they’re planning a big Valentine’s Day bash as a final bow from of the neighborhood. You may want to consider making reservations. When the doors open again, the name will be Margarita Mary’s (an offshoot of Chris Shaw’s busy burger bar a few blocks west). Next door at 1417 the former Bombay Express will reopen its doors soon as Mama Testa’s Taqueria. We’re also giddy to report that waiting time at 1236 Ono Sushi will get shorter since they’re adding more seating with an outside patio in the back. Across the street, the old hookah smoking lounge at 1277 has been tranformed into a Mediterranean restaurant and is now open. At 1060 Wherehouse is “officially” closing (actually the sign on their door says “closing January 24th”), but they’re still open today. Maybe they need a 2004 calendar. Also, at 1281 Sahara Designs now offers exotic furnishings. In the same block 1243 Wine Steals is good to their name as they offer up great fruit of the grape at quite reasonable prices! Say “hi” to owners Ken and Mike behind the bar.

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