Thursday, April 8, 2004

US national security adviser Condoleezza Rice is at the center of a storm as she testified today before the 911 commission in an attempt to counter bombshell charges that President Bush failed to make terrorism an urgent priority before that date. Also of interest is the content of the aborted speech Rice was to give on 9/11/01 which promoted missile defense as the cornerstone of the Bush administration’s national security policy.

Ivo Daalder, a foreign policy analyst at the Brookings Institution doubted the Bush administration would be able to find any reference to al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden by any top officials in the months before September 11. The Rice speech, he said, “is just the final cherry on the pudding proving that what these people were concerned about was not al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden but madmen with missiles.”
or maybe this is the “cherry” FDR historic photo helped. her predicament’s political action committee debuted a new anti-Bush ad yesterday.
“Before 9/11 I was obsessed with Iraq. Then I used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq. So now we’re less safe than we were before.”

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