Thursday, April 14, 2005

Mike Aguirre April 14, 2005 Donna Frye
City Attorney Mike Aguirre held an open forum this evening in council chambers to discuss the effectiveness of his office and extent of their work. Councilmember Donna Frye made a short statement giving her full support to their efforts. Video of last May’s budget review showed Mayor Dick, Brian Maienschein and Toni Atkins praising the work being done in the office of (then) City Attorney Casey Gwinn. The mayor added that he had “come around” to the realization that the city (not the county) should oversee the prosecution of city misdemeanor cases. Aguirre then asked his staff that also worked for Gwinn to stand. Over 100 rose. (also of note: the city’s cable channel would not televise the meeting)

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