Thousands march for equal rights

Yesterday’s March and Rally for Marriage Equality, an event organized nationally by and locally by a team of grassroots volunteers, drew 20,000 protestors, which was the largest group in California. The marchers occupied more than one mile of roadway space; several lanes of traffic were closed along the route. The crowd marched peacefully along the two-mile route and the SDPD did not report any arrests among participants.

A team of 100 volunteers, desigated with specially created t-shirts, helped to control the crowd. The San Diego police department thanked Sara Beth Brooks, the head of the volunteers who organized this march, for her commitment to a peaceful march, and for the clean up efforts made by Brooks and her team at their rally location at County Administration. The rally site was left exactly as it was found — without trash of any kind.

A 16,000 square foot gay pride flag was created by 3,000 volunteers who held pieces of rainbow colored posterboard above their heads. After told to “Show Us Your Pride!” the flag was captured from the air by several news helicopters. The rally had a variety of speakers  including Hillcrest businessman and organizer Nick Moede, City Attorney Mike Aguirre, Councilman-elect Todd Gloria and civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred.

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