This week’s CityBeat covers our City Attorney Mike Aguirre…

CityBeat Mike Aguirre cover

His day usually begins around 4am. After some work and a workout, Mike Aguirre drops by Peet’s for an extra energy boost…then it’s off to the office to continue his 2004 pledge to clean up the legal mess at City Hall.

The Passion of Mike Aguirre
• Is Mike nuts?: How the Sunroad case fits into the whole Aguirre thing
• Mike Aguirre’s lonely crusade
• The downtown crowd has the city attorney surrounded
“It amazes me how much time the powers that be — the City Council, the Union-Tribune and the other nattering nabobs of San Diego insider negativity — spend bashing Aguirre, demonizing Aguirre and all but gathering up the bramble and bracken to make a bonfire and burn Aguirre at the municipal stake.”

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