The “Tap/Talk” Show is a hit

Peggy Padilla dancingA “Blue Ribbon” winner in the round-up of programs offered to Seniors. Peggy Padilla, Director of the Ms. Senior California of America Pageant (to be held February 19 in Balboa Park) gave a delightful show at the Gary & Mary West Senior Wellness Center (corner of Fourth Avenue and Beech), on Thursday, January 6 to a good turnout.

The audience, while enjoying coffee and donuts, was entertained by her wit, and her fascinating story of Victory, Love, and Tap Dancing. She blended in charming tap numbers from yesteryear. Light on her feet, she donned a different creative hat for each rendition, and topped the show off with a clever Charley Chaplin Number. (Side note: I had a devil of a time not jumping up and joining in. I, too, am a prodigy of the tap dance world.) It is plain to see why Peggy was chosen Ms. Senior California of 2009 and won the talent division with her self choreographed, tap dance number. With her spark and dedication, she is using this talent in her “Tap/Talk” shows to help promote the pageant.

Left to right: Sharon Beckas, Volunteer,  Queen Johnson, Peggy, Gloria Torain (Queen and Gloria are Activities  Coordinators for Senior Community Centers,  located at the Wellness Center.)

It looks like she may have gained an entrant in this session. One very lovely senior was very interested…And, if you are, too, call Peggy at  (760) 431-9275 or e-mail her at for a wonderfully informative package she can send.

L to R: Sharon Beckas, volunteer; Queen Johnson; Peggy;
and Gloria Torain (Queen & Gloria are Activities Coordinators
for senior Community Centers, at the Wellness Center.)

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