Thanks for hopping. We’re pooped

Boogie Woogie Queen Sue Palmer at the ’09 Hop in the ’HoodToday’s annual Hop in the ’Hood to celebrate the completion of this year’s HillQuest was a ton of fun. Thanks to everyone for making this the best Hop in our short history. Sunday’s block party began in remembrance of Janell Rock who performed at 2007’ Hop (see below). This year’s music was out of this world!  The band line-up Marvin and Madisonincluded jazz guitarist Kim Evans, the amazing Daneille Lo Presti, Rhythm Turner & the Method, the Kings of Paradise, boogie woogie queen Sue Palmer and Sam Johnson’s Jazz Quartet closed out a perfect afternoon in the Hillcrest. The San Diego Women’s Drum Circle provided the beat throughout the day.

Here’s a slideshow of some of Sunday’s fun. Five floats entered the Flower Power Parade which was Lauren and Susie danced up a stormfollowed by great cake and ice cream. New this year was the addition of the popular bean bag toss (aka CornHole) tournament which drew dozens of participants Susan and Robyn -- CornHole Championsplaying for top prizes. Cole & Hunter won the first tournament.  Susan & Robyn (at right) won the second, their team “Pay Attention, Susan!!” took top honors as the champions of all the champs.

Thanks to all the great local eateries, friends and folks who pitched in to make this year’s block party the best ever. See you next July for HillQuest’s eighth annual Hop in the ’Hood.

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