Terry Cunningham retires from AIDS work

The chief of the County of San Diego HIV, STD and Hepatitis Branch of Public Health Services is taking a break at the end of this week. Terry Cunningham was honored by colleagues and the community last night at the LGBT Center in Hillcrest with awards from politicans, original songs and performance art by fellow county employees and long-time friends.

Terry has worked in the fight against HIV before the disease had a name. On Friday this community activist will take a well-deserved retirement after over 30 years of dedicated and committed service.

Terry started agencies (and saw some fold), served on boards, was crucified in the press, received awards and cared as he watched friends and colleagues continue to die. He was there when anti-viral drugs were discovered; he learned more about them than most scientists, provided care and advocated for more services while continuing to raise more funds. Thank you, Terry, for your advocacy, compassion and all you’ve done for so many.

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