Susan Davis addresses the Town Council

Over 35 neighbors attended Tuesday night’s Hillcrest Town Council meeting at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown Shopping District. After introductions, Ron deHart, Executive Director of San Diego Pride presented the Hillcrest Town Council with a check for $900 for a post-Pride cleanup conducted by members and friends of the group and coordinated by the HTC Litter & Graffiti committee.
US Congresswoman Susan Davis then spoke to the interested audience about the work she is doing on behalf of her constituents. Her report included a discussion on water conservation, oil and gas production (the congresswoman does not support off-shore drilling) and LGBT in the military. Chris Shaw, owner of Urban Mo’s was presented the L.I.O.N. (Let’s Improve Our Neighborhood) award for the curb appeal of his establishment at Third & University. A development committee report was given by Juli Peters-Hyde. Neighbors voted on a list of sustainability topics, created by Ann D. Canavan, that they would most like to learn about at upcoming meetings. The September 9th HTC meeting will host a District 3 City Council forum with Todd Gloria and Stephen Whitburn.

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