Support saving our older neighborhoods?

Help close loopholes that perpetuate reckless demolitions of the fabric of our community Our Uptown neighborhoods continue to encounter properties that are demolished/destroyed before going through the city’s normal review process. This short homemade video highlights some of the issues. Many times it is hard to find good photos of houses just before they are being demolished or when they were looking their best, but these will give you an idea of how our the character of our community is being destroyed. This topic is being brought forward to the San Diego City Council Land Use & Housing Committee chaired by Hillcrest’s Councilmember Todd Gloria. If you live here because you cherish the character of our Uptown communities, you are encouraged to show your support for closing the current loopholes that allow for these demolitions. The Land Use & Housing Committee will discuss this issue at 2pm on Wednesday, September 23 at 202 C Street. Show your support by attending and/or sending a letter to the Chair and committee members of Land Use & Housing. This will be extremely helpful. Please help save the character of San Diego’s older communities.

Historic neighborhoods turn a great city into a fine city. For more details, read this press release from Uptown Planners Janet O’Dea & Leo Wilson. Become involved by contacting Todd Gloria.

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