Sunday, November 11, 2007

2 treatments down, 4 to go…
Breast cancer vs Robins Beers (btw…you look great!)
I had the chemo again Friday and didn’t hardly sleep at all that night. Every time I moved my scalp hurt. Saturday night as I took a bath and ran my hands through my hair… it was just like all my follicles decided to give it up at once. There were only a few isolated clumps left to shave. Once it came out though, I felt so much better, like something unhealthy had been purged from the system. Then I slept for 10 and 1/2 hours throughout the night and more. So here’s the official bald photo which was taken this morning. Feel free to share it with the town.
Other than being bald I am feeling remarkably well, better than after the first treatment (Of course, not having fires burning all around the county probably helps.)

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