Speak up, get involved — two California Senate bills need your support

Please take note: two state Senate bills are headed for a floor vote in the next week or two that are important to the LGBT community. Both are being targeted by opponents on the right.

SB 54, introduced by Assemblymember Leno, would allow the State of California to recognize legal same-sex marriages performed during the 18 months they were legal in California – they would have the same status as same-sex marriages performed in California have per the recent court decision.

SB 572, co-introduced by several legislators, would recognize Harvey Milk’s birthday.

Opposition to both bills is coming into legislators at a rate as high as 5-1 against the bills. Even if you are sure your representative is supportive, or even a sponsor, of either bill — they still need to hear from supporters. Call, email or fax your representative with a simple “I support SB 54 and SB 572.” Click here to locate your representative get contact details. Thank for your time & attention.

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