Slow Food Urban SD to hold EAT-In at World Beat next Monday 11am-2pm

World Beat Center in Balboa Park, 2100 Park BoulevardWill you help reform the Child Nutrition Act and get some REAL FOOD into public schools? A local group, Slow Food Urban San Diego, wants to bring eco-gastronomy to the forefront of every meal and making wholesome choices that are economically stimulating to our local growers, decreasing the amount of carbon footprint and educating the community as to where our food originates.
This Labor Day the group is organizing an EAT-In at the World Beat Center in Balboa Park (2100 Park Boulevard). Slow Food USA’s Time For Lunch campaign will inspire Americans to take a stand on kid’s health on this national day of action. Please join them for a delicious revolution at an Eat-in Potluck Picnic from 11am-2pm next Monday, September 7th. Join Slow Food Urban San Diego in their efforts to lobby for reform to the Child Nutrition Act with speakers and activities for all. Please bring: A simple, fresh, homemade dish to share; A real (non-disposable) plate, silverware and cup; a blanket or chair to sit on; and since this is an outdoor event, please bring a hat and sunscreen.
What is Slow Food Urban San Diego? “Slow food” is an idea, a way of living and a way of eating. It is a global, grassroots movement with thousands of members around the world that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment. Slow Food Urban San Diego is their local chapter. It’s involved in activities such as:
• Raising public awareness, improving access and encouraging the enjoyment of foods that are local, seasonal and sustainably grown
• Caring for the land and protecting biodiversity for today’s communities and future generations
• Performing educational outreach within their communities and working with children in schools and through public programs
• Identifying, promoting and protecting fruits, vegetables, grains, animal breeds, wild foods and cooking traditions at risk of disappearance
• Advocating for farmers and artisans who grow, produce, market, prepare and serve wholesome food
• Promoting the celebration of food as a cornerstone of pleasure, culture and community

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