Seniors in Motion by Dolores St. Louis

Dr. Jim SouleI recently attended the first day classes of The Art of Storytelling as Theatre and Got Drama Acting Workshop, which are being held the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the War Memorial Bldg. (Apr. May, June). I will be monitoring these classes and give you updates on students’ progression. The classes are taught by Dr. Jim Soules (left) and Chris R. (right). Each has an extensive background in television, film, theatre, stage, acting and improvisation. Note: Dr. Soules reports in this quarter he will be teaching one class per month; next projected class to be held 5/12. If interested, please call Dr Soules at 619-264-9085 to verify date and time of next class.

Chris R’s class began right on schedule (11:30 AM) to lead his students to their “fifteen minutes of fame”. After introductions, they began their study with reading, impromptu, from a script, each playing intermittent roles, as directed. Chris led them thru presentation techniques for acquiring a talent agent, which in turn, renders insight into impressing a casting director. To the delight of the students, he ended the class session by recording each and letting them view their first efforts on TV, with side bars of critiquing. The process was repeated.

Chris RBy this time the students were beginning to loosen up. It was obvious, they were moving forward. I am anxious to follow their progress. By the way, it was Chris R. who recorded and produced a DVD for the Talent Show, and it will be his work that you will view, when you receive your DVD, any day now.

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