Saturday, September 24, 2005

the GovernatorAn open letterJess Durfee
While attending the anti-Schwarzenegger protest outside the 4th & B Theatre on Friday, September 16, a number of us watched as lesbian District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis entered the invitation-only pro-Arnold gathering. I suppose it’s possible Ms. Dumanis was taking the opportunity of being on the inside of this hardcore Republican gathering to share her outrage with the governor about his intentions to veto the Marriage Equality bill. Maybe, as a high-profile Republican elected official, she was given enough of his time to talk to him about how such a veto would deny her and her partner equal rights. I’m doubtful that was the case. I look forward to hearing that Ms. Dumanis was there to speak up for LGBT rights and wasn’t there as just another suck-up politician who brushes aside her own and our community’s basic rights for the sake of her own political gain.

— Jess Durfee

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