Saturday, October 22, 2005

Co-Habitat sidewalk, University Avenue Sidewalk Replacement Project, HillcrestUniversity Avenue sidewalk replacement project is underway much to the chagrin of many local businesses which areremaining open throughout the construction work. HBA director Warren Simon says, “We’re paving the way to a better neighborhood” which is the goal and purpose of the project. The Hillcrest Business Association (HBA) is asking for your patience as the old sidewalks and curbs are replaced with over 17,000 sq ft of new sidewalks, seven new ADA curb ramps, five new streetlights and 17 new trees. This undertaking was planned four years ago before repeatedly being delayed due to funding uncertainties. Of note…San Diego has a work moratorium for all city construction from Thanksgiving through the end of the year. Hope for limited rain delays with a completion by turkey day, otherwise…we’ll be awaiting a 2006 finish.

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