Saturday, November 3, 2007

Women's drum circle at Hillcrest Bookfair 2007This evening from 7-9pm — Come enjoy, learn and participate with the San Diego Women’s Drum Circle as they gather to share and exchange their rhythmic energy. A $5 donation is requested. San Diego Drum Circle bannerMeetings are held the first Saturday of each month at the Universal Spirit Center in Hillcrest (aka the John D. Spreckels Masonic Lodge Building, 3858 Front Street @ University Avenue).

Want to learn more about drumming? A drum class will be held prior to the circle from 5:30-6:30pm. Cost is $8. Elisa is the instructor. She studied music on a full music scholarship at Texas Tech University, graduated cum laude from Arizona State University and earned a Juris Doctorate degree from Creighton University. For over a decade Elisa has been facilitating Rhythm Circles and Drumming Event for all age groups. Through her studies of Japanese Taiko, Middle Eastern and African drumming, Elisa will take you on a journey, introducing technique and sharing her knowledge of the history of rhythms. Drums are available to borrow or purchase. Call her for more information at 417-6272.

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