Saturday, February 25, 2006

University Avenue & Hillcrest SignVoice of San Diego had a terrific story about University Avenue in Friday’s online edition. “Nowhere is this more apparent than at the intersection of University and Fifth Ave. in the heart of Hillcrest. It’s surrounded by a moat of ethnic restaurants you’d be hard pressed to find in such a congregation anywhere else: Afghan, Thai (x2), Japanese, Lebanese, Greek, French, Hawaiian, Indian and American.

The whole of Hillcrest, which runs along University to Park Ave, exhibits a similar taste for flavor and style. The shiny stucco of fresh development extends the feeling of recent renewal along the whole stretch, housing a slick strip mall of chain stores on one side, and a stint of antique stores, bookshops, furniture galleries, coffeehouses and any other postmodern frivolity you could ask for on the other.”
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