Ribbon cutting for Scripps new powerhouse

Ribbon cutting for new powerplant at Scripps Mercy Hospital, JanuaryScripps Mercy Hospital opened its state-of-the-art central energy plant last Friday as an important chapter in the greater plan for the expansion of Scripps local Hillcrest campus. This new plant will power health care growth for their next 100 years.

Joining them for the festive occasion were Scripps Health President & CEO Chris Van Gorder; Scripps Mercy Hospital CEO Tom Gammiere; City Council President Tony Young; Vivian Moreno, representative for Council member David Alvarez; Tim Orozco, representative for Assemblymember Toni Atkins; Nancy Moors, president of the Hillcrest Business Association; Ruben Barrales, president & CEO for the SD Regional Chamber of Commerce; Rick Bach, chair of Downtown Partnership; and Tom Luhnow, GSDBA’s executive director.

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