Residents learn of plans for Centennial & 2014 Shuttle


Nearly 50 people attended the July meeting of the Bankers Hill Residents Group on Monday, 7/15/13 for three great presentations. First up was local resident Jim Frost giving an update on the crosswalk needed at Sixth  & Spruce with a representative of a firm that makes solar powered pedestrian-activiated flashing lights. Ann Garwood gave an update on the post-Pride clean-up. Over 100 volunteer hours were logged over the weekend and by his morning’s work crew.

The main show of the evening featured the 2015 Centennial in Balboa Park given by producers, Phil Green & Adam Burke, founders & co-owners of Autonomy. Their company has been awarded the creative contract for the centennial celebration of the 1915 Panama California Exposition, which will take place in San Diego’s Balboa Park. The park sits on over 1,200 acres in the center of San Diego, featuring many iconic structures that were built around the time of the exposition. The centennial project will include a robust schedule of events and celebrations throughout 2015.

July’s third presentation was given by Janelle Riella of the Downtown Partnership who shared plans for a 2014 shuttle from Downtown to Bankers Hill, Balboa Park & Hillcrest. Residents made well-informed comments and asked questions. She’ll return as more information is available.

There will be NO August meeting, but mark your calendars for the third Monday in September.

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