Residents learn about new Von’s store

Hillcrest Town Council meeting, January 12, 2010January’s meeting of the Hillcrest Town Council (HTC) began last night with political reps sharing information and taking questions from residents. 70 residents attended the meeting and enjoyed a free pasta dinner donated by Babbo Grande. HTC member Bruce Bielaski offered an amendment to the bylaws clarifying the requirements to run for the board member. The approved amendment requires that any candidate must have attended a minimum of three HTC meetings and one steering committee meeting. Representatives from Von’s presented plans for a remodel of the Hillcrest store located at Washington Street at Dove. (At left) Bruce Braaten from the real estate division of Safeway (the parent company) discussed the poor condition of the current Von’s, calling it “an embarrassment” and shared plans for a much larger store with a bakery, deli with pizza oven, full range of meats & seafood and a large floral selection. The new 24-hour store will be modeled after another urban store that the company opened last year in West Hollywood. Parking will be at ground level with the store located above (some suggested subterranean parking or have it located on the roof, like Hillcrest’s Whole Food Market, for a shorter profile). Von’s also purchased the vacant lot on the east side of the property along Washington and intends to include several small retailers there. Plans will be submitted to the city this Thursday with final permits issued in June.

Tom Jackiewicz, CEO of the UCSD Medical Complex educated the group to the importance of their hospital to the neighborhood. As an academic medical center, UCSD is the largest provider of HIV/AIDS care in San Diego. Acquired in 1960, the UCSD complex continues to undergo substantial improvements including over $10 million a year dedicated to ongoing maintenance.

Luke Terpstra presented a L.I.O.N. award to property owner Martin Calderon, whose 12 metal sculptures adorn several front yards on the east side of the 3700 block of First Avenue. Development Committee member Roy Dahl gave a report on the Community Plan Update. The next planning meeting will be Wednesday, January 27, 6pm at the Balboa Park Club. The meeting adjourned at 8pm. The next HTC meeting will be Tuesday, February 9th.

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