Red light cameras installed at Uptown intersection

New traffic enforcement camera on Washington west of Cleveland Avenuered-lightJon Hannasch with the City’s Transportation Engineering Division has contacted the community to let us know that the City has installed a new automated photo enforcement camera system at Cleveland & Washington Street. They have been making adjustments and testing the system for the last few weeks, and many people have seen the camera system flashing. Explaining in an email he said, “When the camera system is manually triggered (this can be done remotely) the system will take a photo when the vehicle is traveling on a green indication. This is to allow everyone to know that the vehicle did not run a red light. The test photos are used to check for system adjustments and then they are erased. No violation was made and no violation notice is sent out.”

The system, designed to catch red light runners, became operational yesterday. During the first 30 days, anyone photographed running the light will receive a warning letter in the mail. After the warning period, citations will be issued. Consider yourself warned.

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