Recap of August’s Hillcrest Town Council meeting

Assemblywoman Lori SaldanaOver 45 neighbors met in the sauna-like atmosphere of Joyce Beers Community Center Tuesday evening as State Assemblymember Lori Saldaña addressed our community and answered questions from the HTC. Saldaña gave an update on the state budget and spoke about a proposed development of Hillcrest’s DMV. Those in attendance expressed a great deal of interest in promoting an electric bus/trolley line from the convention center to Hillcrest, and the HTC outreached for Hillcrest Town Councilstate financial help. Only one member of the HTC regularly uses the city’s public bus system.

The group also heard from San Diego City Planner Marlon Pangilinan who presented an update of the Hillcrest Mobility Study which has met much resistance from the community. Four alternate proposals were suggested. Hillcrester Michael Seidel who has been participating in the study group for several months presented his perspective of the plans and encouraged neighbors to join him in walking the route and presenting a proposal at the next HTC meeting on Tuesday, September 11th. Email him to become involved.

The litter, development and centennial committees made presentations. “Game Night” will be held Friday, August 31st at the Joyce Beers Community Center from 6-9pm. Hillcrest Restaurant Week (Sept 4th-9th) and a “Toast to Hillcrest” is being planned for Thursday evening, September 20th.

The evening was capped with public comment. One resident suggested that the “University Avenue” exit sign off of 163 south be changed to “Sixth Avenue” since this is the actual name of the exiting street. The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 11th. All renters & home owners are urged to become involved in making our community an even better place to live. Please join us.

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