Pump failure closes Balboa Park public swimming pool

One month after Deputy Mayor Atkins allocated grant funds to keep the Bud Kearns Pool in Morley Field open during the month of October, the pool has been closed due to a failed pump. Park and Recreation officials have indicated that once the pump is replaced, which may take two to three weeks, the pool hours will be extended beyond Halloween to make up for the lost days.
In September, Deputy Mayor Atkins announced the allocation of $27,600 in Proposition 40 park grant funds to extend the swimming season at the pool for one month. It had been scheduled to close for three months beginning the end of September pursuant to the city’s Fiscal Year 2006 budget. Since the mechanical failure will cause the pool to be closed during a portion of time covered by the grant, Deputy Mayor Atkins has asked that once the pump is replaced, the pool stay open for an extended period to make up for the weeks it is closed. Park and Recreation officials have given the idea thumbs up. The community will be notified when the repairs are completed and the pool is reopened.

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