Pre-Party Events Kick-off Hillcrest’s Mardi Gras

Mark your calendars for several parties around the area leading up to this year’s Hillcrest Mardi Gras…

Hillcrest Mardi GrasBeads Party: Friday, February 16 at Top of the Park, 3167 Fifth Avenue, 5pm
Preview Party: Saturday, February 17 – Martinis Above Fourth, 3940 Fourth Avenue, 7pm
Detour: Sunday, February 18 – Urban Mo’s, 308 University Avenue, 6pm
The King & Queen Finals: Sunday, February 18 – Lips, 3036 El Cajon Boulevard, 7pm 

The 6th annual Hillcrest Mardi Gras celebration (February 20th) will be held on University Avenue between First and Fourth avenues from 6pm until 11pm under the stars. Live entertainment, a dance stage with PNN Radio’s DJ Corey and many other special surprises will highlight the fun-filled celebration sponsored by the GSDBA Charitable Foundation and the Hillcrest Association. All proceeds will benefit youth scholarships and Hillcrest community improvements.
Note: This is an adult-themed party for those 21+. No refunds are offered on ticket purchases (the festival will take place rain or shine). Tax-deductible tickets are now on sale at local venues including Baja Betty’s, Obelisk Bookstore and Urban Mo’s.

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