Political forum tomorrow evening

The Neighborhood Historic Preservation Coalition (NHPC) will hold a forum with the candidates for elected office, to discuss historic preservation and related items this Tuesday, Sept. 30 from 6 to 8pm in the Fellowship Hall at the Grace Lutheran Church, 3993 Park Boulevard (southeast corner of Park & Lincoln).
As development pressures shift from outlying suburban areas to our older urban neighborhoods, quality of life is increasingly threatened by changes to the San Diego General Plan, elimination of preservation incentives and a broken development review process that continues to enable illegal demolitions and inappropriate infill development.
Mike AguirreFind out where the candidates for City Council and City Attorney stand on these issues so critical to the quality of life in San Diego’s older, historic neighborhoods. The following candidates have accepted the Coalition’s invitation to attend Tuesday’s forum: for City Attorney — Michael Aguirre and Jay Goldsmith; District 1 — Sherri Lightner; District 3 — Todd Gloria and Stephen Whitburn; and District 7 — Marti Emerald. Plan to arrive early to get a seat and a parking place. Walking, carpool and public transit are recommended. Bus routes 1, 7 & 11 stop within a block of the church.
The NHPC initially came together by organizing Uptown groups (such as the Hillcrest History Guild and the University Heights Historical Society) because of community-wide concerns over a proposed historic survey that threatened over half of the properties in Uptown. During review of the General Plan, the Coalition focus shifted to become much broader. The treatment of the historic resources in these established communities has become a concern. Since significant policy decisions in the General Plan emphasized in-fill in many of our historic communities, the direction of the Coalition rapidly shifted to encompass all of San Diego’s historic neighborhoods.
For more information, contact Dan Soderberg at danielsoderberg@cox.net or (619) 282-5003.

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