“Plenty of fire, but no fireworks”

US Congresswoman Susan Davis on health care reform at the Hillcrest Town Council meeting, August 11, 2009It was standing room only at the August Hillcrest Town Council (HTC) meeting tonight as US Congressional Representative Susan Davis discussed the Universal Health Care initiative proposed by President Obama. Police estimated 350 crowded into the Joyce Beers Community Center with over 1,000 outside in the Uptown Shopping District. Unlike manyHealth care reform discussion held at the August meeting of the Hillcrest Town Counciluncivil forums across the nation, Hillcrest neighbors and visitors were respectful of opposing views and listened as the Congresswoman addressed the audience then responded to questions. Most comments centered on having a choice when it comes to health care options. One resident asked if the present health care initiative included coverage for those who find relief from the use of cannabis. Davis responded that she continues to support the use of marijuana for those legally allowed to use the herb as recommended by a physician.

Other HTC business included the passage of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among the Uptown Partnership (our community parking district), the Hillcrest Business Association and the HTC. The MOU will establish ground rules for the committee, which will review and provide input on issues relating to how parking meter money is spent in the Hillcrest community. The motion was made by HTC chair John Taylor and seconded by Jan Spencely. The vote was unanimous.

The HTC meets the second Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8pm at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown District. All Hillcrest residents are encouraged to attend.

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