Planning Commisioners vote for the I.H.No

Extend the IHO until the Hillcresters can share their voice for a new community plan

Is this really the future of Hillcrest?

Sadly, the city’s Planning Commission did not support the extension of the IHO yesterday morning (although every community group in Uptown supported the extension).

The IHO is set to lapse next month (which will return the maximum height along Fifth Avenue and University to 200 feet), and residents wanted the commissioners to recommend that the city council extend the temporary height ordinance until the community plan is adopted. Instead a group of local architects and developers got their holiday wish. In October members of the city’s “code monitoring team” (CMT) voted against the IHO saying it circumvents the planning process. Next Tuesday the CMT will be making a presentation to the Hillcrest Business Association (HBA). HBA director Ben Nicholls attended Thursday’s planning commission meeting to speak against the IHO extension, which his board had voted to support.

Sometime in January the city council will make the final decision for our community. Until then, please sign this petition to extend the IHO, and help save Hillcrest from over development!

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