Penguins invade Hillcrest

Folks began setting up at 6pm for last night’s rooftop showing of “March of the Penguins” at Whole Foods Market. The weather was perfect and the community turned out to share the drive-in movie atmosphere and a perfect August evening under the stars with nearly 200 friends and neighbors. This Hillcrest first was a collaborative effort of the Hillcrest Centennial committee and Whole Foods Market. The appreciative crowd enjoyed free ice cream, popcorn, sodas, bottled water and vegan treats. Yesterday was also Community Support Day at Whole Foods Market, and the Hillcrest History Guild will be the recipient of five percent of their daily sales. Thanks to everyone for your support. (It came to $4,515.90)

The next centennial event will be a free “Game Night” on Friday, August 31st from 6-9pm at the Joyce Beers Community Center. Bring your favorite board game, a puzzle or a deck of cards to this casual evening of fun for young and old.

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