Park West & Bankers Hill public safety meeting held

Arrest in Balboa ParkOver 60 neighbors from the Bankers Hill/Park West area met at the Park Manor Suites Hotel this evening to learn more about public safety and law enforcement in the neighborhood. The interactive meeting was organized by Janet Fairbanks, Jim Frost, Bruce Dammann and Alyssa Wolven who all live on Sixth Avenue. Guest speakers included Balboa Park Senior Ranger Casey Smith, City Attorney Danielle Stroud and an officer from the SDPD. Neighbors are encouraged to report any crime in process to 9-1-1 and non emergency events to the police non-emergency line 531-2000.

Residents were informed of a “tagger crew” that has been in the Bankers Hill/Hillcrest area during the past couple of weeks creating an increase in graffiti. SDPD encourages neighbors to take a picture of the graffiti, then paint over it and send the picture to the police. Once arrested, taggers will be prosecuted for each incident. The audience was also encouraged to report any activity that is considered a detriment to their quality of life including urinating in public, panhandling or sleeping in doorways. Neighbors are encouraged to contact             (619) 675-1978       or email to receive information about future meetings.

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